DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE By SteveVanN DIVORCE: This discussion will be largely a look at the various texts regarding divorce. The emphasis will be on the law, the words of Christ, and the teachings of Paul. The dispensational approach is very low keyed because it is through dispensational boxology that modern Christians avoid dealing with the truth about divorce. The order will be from a reasonable approach rather than chronological. "Come, let us reason together saith the Lord..." Isaiah 1:18 _____________________________ Mal. 2:16- "putting away"- The common expression for divorce in the King James Bible. Beware of trying to drag "loosed" and "departed" etc. into the discussion. This is done to excuse or justify divorce and remarriage after divorce. Mal. 2:17- Today, divorce is excused. Christians seldom discuss a pending divorce in terms of the evil of divorce. They excuse it and find reasons why divorce is the only option. How often have you heard, "Well, divorce is out of the question in all circumstances, so how can we help so and so to save their marriage"? The truth is clear in Malachi-- GOD HATES DIVORCE! Do we? Churches today offer counseling in how to have a biblical divorce. After the divorce, welcome them to "singles class". Church helps them hustle a new mate. Only precaution-- Make sure both parties don't end up in the same church. ILL. Jim R. was being divorced by his wife. Jim was a pastor, and well liked in his area. A Michigan church took him right to the singles class! There was no effort to restore the marriage. The church knew that the divorce was not yet final, but they introduced Jim around to ladies in waiting- matchmaking. Jim had to flee to a small country church to find an old fashioned pastor who had a high standard-- who worked hard to restore Jim's marriage. Malachi ends O.T. canon to the nation of Israel. Interesting-- major sign of backsliding at end of the O. T.-- ___________________________________ JUSTIFICATION OF DIVORCE So... we are not interested in ANY of the modern writers on divorce. Chances are, they are all weak on the subject, or had a divorce themselves. It is also the end of our age. Standards are NOT getting narrower!!!! Dt. 24:1-4- Vs. 1- This is the law of Moses- Note: The reasons for divorce- a. No favor b. Uncleaness These are the same reasons for divorce today. a. "Please release me let me go, For I don't love you any more, To live a lie would be a shame, Release me, and let me love again." In the world, this is almost noble. b. The Christian model is based on the "uncleaness" alibi. Like this: Mrs. Spiritual says, "Pastor, I am sure Harry is involved with another woman. I have 3 witnesses who have seen Harry go into a bar with Mary Lou Mc Nasty." Pastor Accomodation answers, "Well, that certainly would permit you to divorce him. Tell me, Mrs. Spiritual, do you love Harry?" Mrs. Spiritual exclaims through her tears, "Pastor, I just don't know how to love Harry anymore." Wimpy pastors always melt before a weeping woman. Pastor Accomodation consols, "Dear lady, I am sure God understands. He will help you through this, and we will pray for you." O.T. days of Moses' law- Levites would investigate the accusation of Mrs. Spiritual. If true, they would stone Harry. "Uncleaness" in the Law of Moses DID NOT include adultery as today! The modern alabi for divorce NEVER existed, I.E. Adultery. It is a hybrid combination of the Old and New Testament. Dt. 24:2- We will see that this permission was later fordidden by Christ. The Apostles maintained the standard of Christ. Dt. 24:3-4- This was never changed. It is easy to see why. A divorced woman is defiled to her original husband, then and now. There are some sins which cannot be "fixed up" later. This is one of them. _____________________________ Dt. 22:23-24- Fornication after engagement, but before the consumation of the marrigae, was worthy of death. More later in the text on Mary and Joseph. According Moses' law, we should stone adulterers, not help them get a divorce. THE ONLY LEGAL DIVORCE IN THE ONLY CASE ALLOWED FOR DIVORCE IN THE BIBLE FOR OTHER THAN FORNICATION: Note: "Put away" here is divorce. What is the reason for this divorce? Answer: Polygomy with pagans. So when can we use this? Answer: When Mormons get saved. In the foreign missionfield. Read: iN "Pioneering for Christ in the Sudan" by Johanna Veenstra, p. 219-221, the author said that all of the mission boards at the turn of the century required new converts to Christ to put away all but one wife. The standard is still the same, as is required to this day in southern Ethiopia by the Sudan Interior Mission. So if you have recently been saved, and if you have more than one wife, you must "put away" all but the first one. This is the only time "putting away" is biblical. The standard remains unchanged from Ezra to the present! More than one wife was not allowed to Adam. Jesus and the Apostles agreed. We will find Christ very specific on this later. Ezra 10:1-18 The most grevious sin in Ezra's day was to marry a stranger. Christ's prohibition of divorce for any reason but fornication makes this even more serious for us. Marriage to a "stranger" is now for life! So, if there is unconfessed fornication, find it during engagement. ________________________________ Matthew 10:1-12 Vs. 3- What about those who insist on drawing the Lord into their divorce procedings? Answer: They are tempting Christ! That's serious. Do they try to put the preacher on the spot. Vs. 4- Not male and females! And, not male and male! Vs. 5-6- "One flesh" is the physical. This is destroyed in remarriage after divorce. Marriage is body, soul, & spirit. Impotency NO grounds for divorce. Also, Is "one flesh" the basis for marriage? The R.C. church thinks so-- as do some Fundamentalists! Answer: Vs. 6 end- "What God hath put together..." This means marriage is spiritual. This is true even with the unsaved- Later text. Vs. 7- The "put away" of O.T. is the same as in N.T. Vs. 8- It's a hard-hearted to justify divorce by twisting Christ's words and the Greek New Testament Divorce was never the divine ideal. Do we believe that? Vs. 9- "Fornication" (PORNEIA) is NOT after consumation or the ceremony! If adultery is interchangable here, why would Jesus distinguish adultery- (MOICHEIA) at the end of the verse where it is obviously after marriage? Two distinct Greek words! Answer: "Fornication" two ways- a. During betrothal, it is discovered from before the betrothal. b. Fornication happens during the betrothal. Christ is NOT talking about divorce after marriage for fornication from any previous time. If that is discovered later, it is too late. Also, in Vs. 9, the remarriage prohibition is given. There is no time limit on this. It is adultery as long as the 2nd marriage lasts. I didn't make this up-- Jesus said it. Vs. 10-12- This is very narrow teaching by Jesus. The disciples even found it discouraging. If you can't accept it, don't get married! Be a eunuch. Is this cruel? CF. I Cor. 7:6-8- Singleness is an option. _______________________________ Matt. 5:30-32- Vs. 30- O.T. standard is NEVER lowered by Christ. It is strengthened. ILL. Looking becomes adultery. Hate becomes Murder. Vs. 31- A modern legal paper is NOT honorable. Generous divorce terms are dignified rebellion! Vs. 32- "Put away" is divorce. Not separation. Old emotional whining from the broad way-- "What if the bum is stepping out? He may infect his wife. What if he sexually abuses the kids?" Answer: Call the police for abuseers. Separation where wife in real danger. But, NOT as a prelude to divorce! How can we be sure "fornication" is only before marriage? Jesus knew Greek. Was He under inspiration? Stupid question, eh? Therefore, the "adultery" at end of vs. 32 is ONLY after marriage-- Therefore,fornication applies ONLY to betrothal. CONCLUSION: Adultery is NOT grounds for divorce. Don't complain to me. Go argue with Jesus. ONLY JUSTIFICATION FOR DIVORCE IN BIBLE-- Fornication (PORNEIA). Sex before marriage. Sex during engagement. Cross Reference- Matt. 1:18-23 Stoning was not done in Jesus' day. ILL. Woman found in adultery- John 8:1-12 "Putting away" WAS done. Virginity was expected BEFORE and through betrothal! Mary was a wife from betrothal onward So, sex does NOT made a marriage! _______________________________ APPLICATION TODAY: No sex between the engaged couple. If so, they must "break it off". Modern answer-- Move the wedding up. Wicked! ______________________________ REMARRIAGE: This is the part that is almost always left out. Why? Answer: It is very hard to handle. I shall teach it. Pray for me. It is hard. You make the application in the Lord. Gal. 4:16 Luke 16:17-17 and Matthew 10:10-16 Vs. 17- The "tittle" in vs. 18 has all but passed away. Vs. 18- Again, "Put away"- only word for divorce in Bible. (there is a one time exception later) Marry another after putting away = divorce Marrying one put away = divorce That is very clear. Also, He did not say it ever stopped being adultery. ______________________________ Mark 10:10-12- Any way you cut it-- Remarriage of the one divorced, or-- Remarriage by one who caused divorce-- is what? Answer: Adultery. "It takes two to tango." Both parties are in adultery. Does the Bible say it ever stops being adultery? Answer: nowhere. Example: Man who gets saved, or is saved. Goes on a drunk. Confesses to church. What if he goes back to the bar? Do we say, "Well, he has confessed it before the church, so now it is not sin"? Of course not. It is sin until is stops happening. Vs. 13-16- Why does the passage on Christ's tenderness come next? Isn't it obvious? What "blessing" is when a child to loses his Mommy or Daddy? The tolerance of divorce in the American church stinks. They fight abortion. Yet, they tear out the hearts of the children who are born. Shame, shame, shame! Is there a text which makes this very clear? An impartial text? YES. ______________________________ WHEN CAN A DIVORCED PERSON REMARRY? Vs. 1- The law here shows how God thinks about marriage. It is nonsense to claim the Age of Grace lowers the standard. Jesus raised the standard for marriage and divorce already. Vs. 2- "loosed" is NOT a word for divorce anywhere in the N.T. (exception in I Cor 7, but not here) What did Jesus allow? Divorce for fornication during betrothal- engagement. Otherwise, this law is for life- That is from Adam and Eve onward. CF- Gen. 2:21-25 _______________________________ Romans 7:1-7 Vs. 3- If the plain sense makes good sense, don't look for any other sense." Implied here-- If a divorced person's only spouse dies, remarriage is OK. A Levite cannot marry her. Nor can a N.T. bishop or elder/pastor. Cross Reference- I Timothy 3:2, A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife... This does not mean "one at a time." It is in the same sense as the Levite. He is a model of Christ's fidelity to the Church. Vs. 7- Is the standard of the law defective? Answer: NO. It is holy and invented by God. Romans 15:4 Is this standard reasonable? God says, "Come, let us reason together..." The 3 shall be one flesh? Unthinkable! Why? One must share with another. It must be clear that this is abomination. If one is in texas and the other in Maine, is that somehow different? God not impressed with Solomon's effort at "oneness" Cross Reference- I Kings 11:3-4 ILL. Muhammed-- the 13 shall be one flesh? Joseph Smith- The 156 shall be one flesh? Abdul bin Hassin- The 1233 wives shall be one flesh? Romans 7 updates the law's authority over divorce and remarriage now. Once the marriage is finalized, nothing can convince God He must take it apart-- Nothing but death-- stoning or old age. Do we agree with Him? ______________________________________ I CORINTHIANS 7 ON DIVORCE AND REMARRIAGE: Is I Cor. 7:1-16 saying it is permitted to divorce and remarry? Vs. 1- 2- One husband for every wife & visa versa. Vs. 3-4- How can one man have power over two bodies sexually? Absurd. Vs. 8- 9- Widows & unmarried are on same ground. Why? Answer: Romans 7 has released the widows to again marry. This proves the O.T. law is assumed here by Paul. Vs. 10-11- "Depart" is not divorce. It is depart, that's all. It is abandonment or separation. It is never used for divorce except by those who seek to justify divorce and remarriage of the divorced. Vross Reference- Examples of its true meaning- Romans 8:35; Hebrews 7:26 LOOK UP!!!!! Separation Vs. 11- End- Divorce is not allowed as conclusion! Vs. 12- An unsaved wife must be kept. Corinth was rampant with divorce. Saints cannot consider it for rebellious spouses. Vs. 13- This rules out separation from a rebel spouse. Vs. 14- This proves we are talking about a rebel unsaved spouse-- that's all. NOT adultery OR fornication or anthing else. Note: You cannot expect saved kids out of divorce!! Vs. 15- "Depart" is separation only. NOT divorce. "not in bondage" does not justify divorce and remarriage. What did vs. 11 say? Divorce is not in this text. Vs. 16- Again, adultery has NOTHING to do with the passage. Vs. 17-20- Implied: If you called being married to an adulterous rebellious sinner, stay as you are. The only possible exception is separation, "depart." In O.T. context, if you have more than one wife, and one is saved, divorce the pagans. (Ezra) That is for Mormons and Africans. Vs. 27-28- Is this a contradiction? No! These are two different thoughts. "loosed" in this verse IS divorce. Single exception in the whole Bible. It is from the Greek root, LUO which is the word used in Matthew where Christ uses it for "put away." So does Romans 7 allow remarriage after being "loosed?" NO!!! "loosed" in Romans 7 is KATARGEO Abolished, dead and gone. The loosed in Roman 7 and I Cor 7 are not the same words. Not same meaning. Most Fundamental Bible teachers claim these are the same word. One in Florida dared me to check these texts in the Greek as though he was right. I checked. It was the old shell game. I was supposed to watch his other hand. I caught him. Could his lapse of honest Bible exegesis be because he is twice divorced and remarrried? Rom 7 = Loosed by death. __________KATARGEO I Cor 7 = Loosed by divorce.__________LUO Rom 7 says marry again after death. I Cor. 7:27 says DO NOT REMARRY AFTER DIVORCE. This proof text, alleged for remarriage after divorce, is perhaps the most powerful against it. It supports Christ's teaching in Matthew 19 in the King James English and in the Greek. Now, does vs. 28 contradict 27? No! The subject changes back to marriage in general. The leaders are addressed first, then the virgins. Read to the end of chapter. Nothing about departing, loosing, or "putting away." All about marriage in general. I Cor. 7:27-28 WILL NOT justify divorce. _______________________________________ CONCLUSION: Remember-- Adulterers were stoned in the O.T. They didn't get a chance to remarry, let alone be divorced. Remember-- The only time divorce approved in the Bible: When Jews "put away" multiple pagan wives. Remember-- This is done today in the missionfield. Why? Answer: Polygomy is forbidden based on the doctrine of Adam and Eve and the O.T. law. No other "putting away" is valid to God. Remember-- Adam had only one wife. Levites had only one wife. N.T. church elders had only one wife. Remember-- What is NOT in the Bible: God never used a man who was divorced. God never used a man who was remarried after divorce. No prophets, disciples, or Apostles divorced or remarried. Marriage is still "put together" on God's books. Even a sinners' marriage. John the Bap. rebuked Herod for his marriage arrangements. Mk. 6:16-19 Why? Because God expected that sinner to marry correctly. Think about that when someone asks, "Does this all apply to what happened before we were saved?" Sin remains sin until it is confessed and abandoned. ___________________________________________ WE END WITH THE WORD OF GOD: "Let him that stole steal no more..." Eph. 4:28-- Applies to all of our sin. Proverbs 24:8 He that deviseth to do evil shall be called a mischievous person. Ecclesiastes 5:6 Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin; neither say thou before the angel, that it was an error: wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and destroy the work of thine hands? Matthew 12:33 Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by his fruit. Job 14:4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.